GCD of Two Numbers
GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers a and b is the largest positive number that divides each of the integers (leaving no remainder).
GCD(30, 18) = 6, because 4 is the largest number that divides both 12 and 8.
GCD can be calculated by expressing 30 and 18 as multiples of prime factors
30 = 2 x 3 x 5
18 = 2 x 3 x 3
The prime factors common to both 30 and 18 are 2 and 3.
Hence GCD of 30 and 18 is 2 x 3 i.e. 6
Further, we can see 6 divides both 30 and 18 leaving no remainder.
Euclidean Algorithm
An efficient method was given by Euclid to calculate gcd of two numbers.
It uses the fact that gcd of two numbers also divides their difference. For Example: gcd(30, 18) = 6, 6 divides both 30 and 18 and also 30 - 18 i.e. 12.
To Find gcd of a and b:
where s and r are integers
\[a = ut,\]
\[b = vt\]
Put values of a and b in equation (1)
\[ut = vt + r\]
\[\implies r = t(u-v)\]
which shows t divides r
t also divides b as t is gcd of a and b.
So, \[gcd(b, r) = t\]
From equation (1) \(r = a - bs\)
\[gcd(b, a - bs) = t\]
\[\implies gcd(b, a - b\lfloor \frac{a}{b} \rfloor) = t\]
\[\implies gcd(b, a \bmod b) = t \tag{3}\]
where a mod b gives the remainder after dividing a by b.
Equating equation (1) and (3), we get
\[gcd(a,b)=gcd(b, a \bmod b), b \ne 0\]
If \(b = 0\), then gcd(a, 0) = a
Simply saying, To find gcd of a and b, find gcd of b and (a mod b)
Let \(a = 30\) and \(b = 18\),
- gcd(a, a) = a
- gcd(a, 0) = a
- If gcd(a, b) = 1, then a and b are relatively prime or co-prime
- gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a)
- gcd(a, b) = gcd(a mod b, b)
- gcd(a, b) can also be expressed as gcd(a, b) = ax + by, where x and y are integers and can be calculate by Extended Euclidean Algorithm. The identity ax + by = gcd(a, b) is called Bézout’s Identity.
- By using Bézout’s Identity we can proof that the numbers \(\frac{a}{gcd(a, b)}, \frac{b}{gcd(a, b)}\) are co-prime.
- \(lcm(a, b) . gcd(a, b) = \vert a.b \rvert \). This equation is often to find the lcm of two numbers using gcd.